The Real Man Project

Change Your Environment And Association | Ep 39

May 21, 2024 Jeff Meeks Season 1 Episode 39

Episode 39 of "The Real Man Project," titled "Change Your Environment in Association," focuses on the crucial role that our surroundings and social circles play in our personal and professional growth. Host Jeff Meeks discusses how the people we interact with and the environments we frequent can significantly influence our behaviors, mindsets, and ultimately our success.

In this episode, Jeff encourages listeners to assess their current associations and environments critically. He talks about the importance of surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire, as well as positioning oneself in environments that foster growth, innovation, and positivity. The key message is that making intentional changes to your associations and surroundings can be the exact thing that will propel you to the next level. 

When Jeff invested ito mentor, and changed the people that didn't share the same goals and vision with, then everything changed! Change your enviornment, and association, and you will most definitely change your life! 

We appreciate you tuning into another episode of THE REAL MAN PROJECT PODCAST and if you received any value from this episode, we encourage you to share it with a friend, family member, or business partner. Follow Jeff's journey on all of these platforms.

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